Hi everybody, today I’m gonna show you remote password cracking with Brutus. For the newbies, script kiddie is a person with little knowledge of hacking or any programming languages and instead searches for automatic tools to hack the computers. In this scenario, script kiddie is using a Windows XP machine and two tools Zenmap and Brutus avilable for free to download. As you will see, Zenmap is used for scanning for any open ports of live machines and Brutus is a password cracker.
Imagine I am the script kiddie, I first find out my own computer’s ip address by typing the command “ipconfig” in the command line.
The ip address of my system happens to be I decide to scan the following range of ip addresses to look for any live hosts. In the target option, I specify ip address as and I choose profile as intense scan to get maximum information about the target. After performing the scan, the results show that only one system is alive.
The scan also shows that the victim machine which is live is running a ftp server and its operating system is Windows XP.
I decide to use Brutus to crack the remote FTP password. Brutus has both dictionary and bruteforce attack options. I decide to choose dictionary attack since it is faster than bruteforcing. Brutus comes with a built in username(users.txt) and password list(pass.txt).As the victim machine is running Windows xp which comes with a default administrator account, I decide to add “administrator” to the users.txt file.
I choose type as FTP since I am about to crack a FTP server.
Then I select the file pass.txt containing some common passwords and just hope to crack the password.
Then after starting the cracker, Brutus runs and gives one positive authentication result.
Username : administrator
Password: 123456
Then I try to log into the FTP server of the remote machine using cmd with the authentication result achieved above.
I successfully logged into the FTP server.Once I am into the remote machine I try some ftp commands but before that I change my local directory to Desktop.
Then I use DIR command to list the directories in the FTP server.
There are four directories in the FTP server:Detroit,Images,lena and users. I go to the users directory using command cd users and then list the files in the directory by using command ls. There is one text file named users.txt in the directory.
I decide to download the file users.txt to my machine using the command get users.txt. Since I had set my local directory to desktop it will be downloaded to desktop.
Let’s see the contents of the users.txt file just downloaded. It contains some usernames and passwords.
In the same way, I enter into another directory of interest to me “Images” and download the only image present in it to my desktop.
In this way, I can download any number of files from the remote server to my local machine. That’s all for now.